11 years |
jo |
Adding the presentation level and improving the debug-HUD
11 years |
jo |
Fixing spind error due to lod.
11 years |
jo |
Fixing loading error, due to lod. ?
11 years |
jo |
removing obsolete levels
11 years |
jo |
removing wrong named file
11 years |
jo |
removing the wrong spelled level
11 years |
jo |
New levels added.
11 years |
jo |
merged levelKaan
11 years |
jo |
fixed positioning of turret
11 years |
jo |
merged levelElias
11 years |
jo |
removed distanceTrigger beacon
11 years |
jo |
merged levelMichael
11 years |
jo |
hopefully fixed a crash
11 years |
georgr |
boost mapped to B; roll, steering and acceleration(c/Z) all working.
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged sfxThilo branch, things seem to be working fine
11 years |
georgr |
HumanController rotateRoll needs a vector as argument… the moar you know
11 years |
skaan |
Level finished —> Meteoriten starten, wenn durch Portal
11 years |
thiweber |
iserted start sound
11 years |
georgr |
watch out for sensitivity! IR input now working, still trying to fix roll
11 years |
agermann |
Added additional LOD information for space station
11 years |
skaan |
Bug test
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged spacestationentry branch
11 years |
smerkli |
Florian forgot to change something, now screenshot should work
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged branch radarDreiD into presentationbranch
11 years |
zifloria |
level preview
11 years |
noep |
Disabled LoD for HeavyCruiser
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged the invaders branch of Florian
11 years |
noep |
Added HeavyCruiser files
11 years |
schlaem |
some more details…
11 years |
wroennin |
fixed bug where marker_ had not the right zOrder
11 years |
schlaem |
some more details…
11 years |
jo |
Creating new branch for the presentation of the PPS HS 13
11 years |
georgr |
hardly any spazzing around from the accelerometer now - there is some …
11 years |
thiweber |
A few changes..
11 years |
schlaem |
11 years |
lumperte |
Escape the Bastards: Questions: Collision Damage at 'Staticentity', …
11 years |
agermann |
11 years |
agermann |
The level EntryTest.oxw can be deleted. Finally a nice and working …
11 years |
zifloria |
finito! (apart from explosions)
11 years |
schlaem |
in progress…
11 years |
wroennin |
added XMLProt for detectionLimit_
11 years |
wroennin |
corrected some documentation
11 years |
skaan |
Asteroiden an und ausschalten und bei Tod zuruecksetzen.
11 years |
zifloria |
tweaking + still trying to figure out explosions
11 years |
skaan |
Asteroiden an und ausschalten und bei Tod zuruecksetzen.
11 years |
wroennin |
Math: New function to determine the ZOrder of the radarobjects; …
11 years |
georgr |
lag sorta fixed - it disappears after ~40s, but will reappear for …
11 years |
zifloria |
11 years |
zifloria |
best game eva
11 years |
schlaem |
with Timer
11 years |
jo |
Making the countdown speed configurable.
11 years |
jo |
Getting rid of a warning, due to a duplicate enigne name.
11 years |
jo |
Adding a countdown to the SpaceFight Level.
11 years |
zifloria |
tried to make particle effects dynamic. Didn't work….
11 years |
zifloria |
End game screen. Eye candy. Gameplay tweaks
11 years |
zifloria |
no ending, no crash
11 years |
georgr |
added debug output with deltatime
11 years |
zifloria |
invader almost done
11 years |
georgr |
3s of lag are still here…next try
11 years |
georgr |
3s of lag are still here…
11 years |
zifloria |
11 years |
zifloria |
11 years |
agermann |
Docking funktioniert nun mit einem eingebauten Trigger ueber undocking …
11 years |
georgr |
still trying to get quicker reaction to button presses
11 years |
georgr |
A should fire main lazors more reliably now
11 years |
zifloria |
11 years |
georgr |
A should fire main lazors now, 3rd try
11 years |
wroennin |
fixed showing bug of the two overlay elements
11 years |
georgr |
A should fire main lazors now, second try
11 years |
georgr |
A should fire main lazors now
11 years |
schlaem |
in progress…
11 years |
lumperte |
Escape the Bastards: Box with pickups fixed. spawnpoints changed. One …
11 years |
wroennin |
added variables, XMLProts for new Overlay elements for the 3D map
11 years |
georgr |
trying to get a reaction out of the wiiMote, 5th try
11 years |
georgr |
trying to get a reaction out of the wiiMote, 4th try
11 years |
georgr |
trying to get a reaction out of the wiiMote, 3rd try
11 years |
schlaem |
in progress…
11 years |
georgr |
trying to get a reaction out of the wiiMote, 2nd try
11 years |
georgr |
trying to get a reaction out of the wiiMote
11 years |
georgr |
made two things static to fix everything
11 years |
georgr |
next try… fixed includes
11 years |
georgr |
developing on 2 PCs is a lot of fun, bluetooth is a rare commodity… …
11 years |
zifloria |
new Explosions!!!
11 years |
skaan |
error control
11 years |
wroennin |
added XML port and variable mapAngle_
11 years |
smerkli |
Fixed the ugly bluetooth hack into one that's a little less ugly:
now …
11 years |
zifloria |
points, level up, hud
11 years |
zifloria |
HUD + take damage
11 years |
smerkli |
Tried a few fixes to get Bluetooth to be included
properly, but no …
11 years |
schlaem |
Quest-Problem already exists…
11 years |
wroennin |
11 years |
jo |
merging latest trunk into branch 'levelMichael'
11 years |
schlaem |
in progress..
11 years |
skaan |
update asteroids and finished endofgame
11 years |
agermann |
Keine Grossen Fortschritte, die Loesung mit dem undock Konsolenbefehl …
11 years |
georgr |
… another test, sorry for the many commits, will fix
this issue soon …
11 years |
wroennin |
HUDRadar: Added various XML ports, added changing between different …
11 years |
georgr |
11 years |
georgr |
next try
11 years |
lumperte |
End of Mission finished.