9 years |
landauf |
9 years |
landauf |
enable glow shader in all scenes
9 years |
muemart |
Fix some clang-tidy warnings.
Also, Serialise.h was doing some C-style …
9 years |
landauf |
merged shaders back to trunk (pps project from HS 2012)
9 years |
landauf |
merged branch cpp11_v3 back to trunk
9 years |
landauf |
merged branch presentationHS15 back to trunk
9 years |
landauf |
fixed some cases where 'delete' was used instead of destroy()
9 years |
landauf |
I think it's sufficient if Timer is a Listable. A timer is often used …
9 years |
landauf |
moved command line argument from Main to Core because it is used there
9 years |
landauf |
disable LOD for MSVC and ogre version 1.8 because it leads to crashes
9 years |
landauf |
fixed warnings with MSVC14
9 years |
landauf |
fixed alignment warnings in MSVC14 (caused by SSE instructions in bullet)
9 years |
fvultier |
There is now a spaceship that uses the gravity bomb. Minor …
9 years |
fvultier |
Removed EnergyDrink Weapon from SpaceshipASSFF. Improved documentation …
9 years |
landauf |
the AI sometimes selected its own ship as target while it was steering …
9 years |
landauf |
merged branch core7 back to trunk
9 years |
landauf |
merged branch presentationFS15merge back to trunk
10 years |
fvultier |
Removed unnecessary output to console in kump minigame. Added a small …
10 years |
smerkli |
only load debug drawer if graphics is enabled
10 years |
landauf |
fixed crash in SimpleRocket (during level-unloading).
improved debug …
10 years |
landauf |
made projectiles slower (and all have the same speed now). makes it …
10 years |
landauf |
10 years |
landauf |
fixed target position calculation:
a) the math was wrong (not sure …
10 years |
landauf |
added bullet settings for CCD (continuous collision detection) to …
10 years |
landauf |
added command 'reloadLevel' (by default on F5) which reloads the level …
10 years |
landauf |
fixed #419 http://www.orxonox.net/ticket/419
physics is only activated …
10 years |
landauf |
fixed crash: cs can be null (e.g. when using the 'suicide' command)
10 years |
landauf |
eol-style native. no changes in code.
10 years |
landauf |
merged presentationHS14merge back to trunk
10 years |
landauf |
merged branch presentationFS14 back to trunk
10 years |
landauf |
avoid implicit conversion in MultiType.get<T>()
10 years |
landauf |
added BulletDebugDrawer to Scene.
added console command to …
10 years |
landauf |
destroy elements in Scene in the opposite order of their creation.
11 years |
jo |
Improving the first mission. Two fixes are needed to make it well …
11 years |
landauf |
tab → spaces
11 years |
jo |
Adding delay timer to show the main menu after a game ended automatically.
11 years |
landauf |
simplified the boost command in HumanController by using the new …
11 years |
jo |
So far so good. Unfortunately I did not figure out what is wrong with …
11 years |
jo |
Something went wrong. I will correct the error later. So far just this …
11 years |
jo |
Automatically show the menu for gametypes that call Gametype::end() - …
11 years |
landauf |
neither ParticleSpawner nor the explosion_ object need to be …
11 years |
landauf |
11 years |
landauf |
ParticleEmitter should be a StaticEntity just like every other …
11 years |
landauf |
removed duplicate code. there is no need for a second constructor. if …
11 years |
landauf |
11 years |
landauf |
bugfix: explosion-sound was always positioned at world-coordinates …
11 years |
landauf |
removed debug output
11 years |
landauf |
replaced tabs with spaces. no changes in code
11 years |
landauf |
no Thilo, we don't want to call preDestroy()
made documentation of …
11 years |
jo |
Adding most of the changes that were proposed in the release2012 branch.
11 years |
jo |
presentationHS13 branch merged into trunk
11 years |
jo |
Make the AI aware of the inherent team (number) of controllable …
11 years |
jo |
Make controllable entities adapt the controllers team number.
11 years |
jo |
Added Team functionality down to the controller class.
11 years |
jo |
Making the setLives function more flexible. The game can be …
11 years |
jo |
Creating new console command to set the lives in a mission.
11 years |
jo |
Making a Mission endable by a ConsoleCommand such that it can be ended …
11 years |
jo |
Making the WaypointPatrolController configurable such that it can …
11 years |
landauf |
fixed warnings with gcc 4.7
11 years |
landauf |
merged branch 'libs' back to trunk. orxonox now compiles and runs with …
11 years |
smerkli |
Added a few includes that were necessary with the switch to GCC > 4.7 …
12 years |
landauf |
merged core6 back to trunk
12 years |
landauf |
12 years |
landauf |
replaced tabs with spaces
12 years |
smerkli |
Merged Maxim's Branch back into trunk.
12 years |
smerkli |
Replaced explosion hack with another less ugly hack:
- There is now …
12 years |
landauf |
merged testing branch back to trunk. unbelievable it took me 13 months …
12 years |
smerkli |
Added a BigExplosion creation to the Pawn constructor.
This loads all …
12 years |
jo |
Merging presentationHS12 back to the trunk.
13 years |
landauf |
merged branch presentation2012merge back to trunk
13 years |
landauf |
fixed indentation
13 years |
landauf |
fixed start-countdown issue in spacerace
13 years |
landauf |
cleaned up new SpaceRace classes (no functional code-changes):
- …
13 years |
landauf |
renamed RVName to radarname
cast to RadarViewable instead of SpaceShip …
13 years |
landauf |
I think this implementation of the hit() function rather belongs to …
13 years |
landauf |
fixed warnings in msvc
removed authorship for code that wasn't written …
13 years |
landauf |
update radar-visibility if the visibility of the pawn itself changes. …
13 years |
landauf |
added missing call to RegisterObject (it crashed on windows)
moved …
13 years |
dafrick |
Resolving a warning.
13 years |
jo |
Merging presentation2011 branch to trunk. Please check for possible bugs.
13 years |
dafrick |
Removing some unused variables and taking care of some other warnings …
13 years |
baermatt |
Just excluding alutInit and alutExit on Mac OS X, because it causes an …
13 years |
baermatt |
Outcommented alutInit and alutExit because it caused a crash on Mac OS …
13 years |
jo |
Small adjustments.
13 years |
jo |
Ai and tutorial improvements merged back to the trunk. AI features: …
14 years |
dafrick |
Moved clone base method into Pickupable to avoid ambiguity.
14 years |
dafrick |
Improving output.
14 years |
landauf |
added some additional output for loading steps that might take some …
14 years |
landauf |
merged output branch back to trunk.
- you have to include …
14 years |
dafrick |
Cleaning up game immersion. Roughly documenting weapons module.
14 years |
landauf |
added "scale" for radar viewables. scale is relative, 1.0 means …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged unity_build branch back to trunk.
- Implemented …
14 years |
dafrick |
Cleaning up in SpaceShip and Engine. Fixed several bugs.
Kicked …
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging presentation branch back into trunk.
There are many new …
14 years |
youngk |
Reverting changes from last commit concerning debug output.
14 years |
youngk |
Testing commit: Sound
14 years |
dafrick |
Turns out my pervious fix actually induced a bug, this fix should take …
14 years |
dafrick |
Fixing minor bug. When the InGameConsole was closed you would need to …
14 years |
rgrieder |
A classic fix
Orxonox crashed on startup.
14 years |
dafrick |
Some more changes…