18 years |
nicolasc |
crosshair moves, shot do too, but not exactly where they should
18 years |
rennerc |
dead gui
18 years |
bknecht |
18 years |
bknecht |
hud update
18 years |
nicolasc |
crosshair moves, but WM not
18 years |
nicolasc |
initial upload form mouse aiming in VS
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
AdmWeapon sound, ActionboxEnemy weapons
18 years |
rennerc |
weapon position
18 years |
rennerc |
player cannot shoot throu walls
per default worldentities cannot be …
18 years |
rennerc |
less debug output
18 years |
rennerc |
improved damage handling for adm
18 years |
rennerc |
player can kill adm now
18 years |
bknecht |
Deleted branches of this semester since we all merged them back to trunk
18 years |
rennerc |
fpsweapon in the correct position
18 years |
rennerc |
FPSSniperRifle uses BspWeapon now
18 years |
retolu |
explosion, when deleted
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor improvements, some cleanup
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor improvements, some cleanup
18 years |
rennerc |
create presentation branch
18 years |
retolu |
adm working
18 years |
bknecht |
fixed errors
18 years |
nicolasc |
xfer, WFM…
18 years |
nicolasc |
xfer, should work…
18 years |
retolu |
implementing gunFire and its Nodes(XML)
18 years |
retolu |
first shooting of the turret
18 years |
rennerc |
visibility check for player in adm
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
bknecht |
My computer is not working anymore, so I upload my unfinished work to …
18 years |
nicolasc |
some hack, but still does not work
18 years |
rennerc |
adm turret works now
18 years |
rennerc |
less magic
18 years |
snellen |
Added Raycollision method to the BspManager
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
retolu |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
this and that
might be buggy
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
version bump
18 years |
nicolasc |
some bugfix (or not?)
18 years |
nicolasc |
moved "ship attributes" to world entity
electronic and shield widget …
18 years |
nicolasc |
some modularisaztion hacking
hardlinked armor to WE Health
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
retolu |
little changes, arranged clearlier
18 years |
retolu |
18 years |
retolu |
My work so far concerning Auto Defense Mechanism (Turret)
18 years |
rennerc |
Vertical playmode for SpaceShip
18 years |
nicolasc |
modular weapons inclusion
18 years |
nicolasc |
night bunp
18 years |
nicolasc |
initial modularisation in spaceship config
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
ActionboxEnemy does not rotate around its z-axix more than ±pi/2-epsilon
18 years |
rennerc |
ActionboxEnemy looks at Player
18 years |
bknecht |
Implemented zooming function
18 years |
snellen |
new branch for the development of th automatic defence mechanism
18 years |
rennerc |
i dont like quaternions
18 years |
nicolasc |
updated disruptor
18 years |
nicolasc |
added nadion blast
fine tuned weapon timing / prepared projectiles
18 years |
nicolasc |
some additional weapons, started weapons cleanup
18 years |
bknecht |
- Added new ViewMode ViewFPS
- fixed crosshair bug …
18 years |
nicolasc |
missing files
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor cleanup
18 years |
nicolasc |
update "weapon points"
refined the RFCannon
18 years |
rennerc |
implemented action box
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
visual version of the action box, currently in the track.{cc,h}
18 years |
snellen |
removed finished branche inputdevice
18 years |
snellen |
button works now
18 years |
bknecht |
branch for HUD enhancements and general FPS stuff
18 years |
nicolasc |
pulse grid update, drawing corrections
18 years |
snellen |
Got nothing to do during the MTU lecture… so I finished the ActionTrigger
18 years |
nicolasc |
added a pulsing capability for the billboard ( I need it for the …
18 years |
snellen |
finished… testing needed
18 years |
snellen |
Action Trigger finished
18 years |
snellen |
first step towards the action trigger
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
snellen |
new branch to implement some kind of input device
18 years |
bknecht |
here we go: new cleanup branch because of prior merging
18 years |
bknecht |
deleted cleanup branch. relax, I'll set up a new one
18 years |
snellen |
deleted finished branch…
18 years |
snellen |
added and tested a new kind of trigger: the time trigger
18 years |
snellen |
added and tested a new kind of trigger: the time trigger
18 years |
snellen |
loading Scripttriggers from the xml file works again
18 years |
bknecht |
little hack resolved
18 years |
snellen |
shame on me: how could I forget to add the new classes to Makefile.am …
18 years |
rennerc |
this might fix the/one segfault bug in AI. cannot verify it because …
18 years |
snellen |
addToScript schould work now
18 years |
rennerc |
allow user to use shell with high gamespeed
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
snellen |
Triggers can now be creater from the xml file… again
18 years |
snellen |
space trigger and tick trigger are now scriptable
18 years |
snellen |
added tick trigger which always calles the script
18 years |
snellen |
space trigger should work now
18 years |
snellen |
Introduced new scripttrigger: space trigger