19 years |
patrick |
network: server/client orxonox now works
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/network: alcchar instead of alubyte
19 years |
patrick |
network: subproject fix
19 years |
bensch |
network: compiles
19 years |
patrick |
network: much work on multiplayability, does not yet work
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: some source reformat and function reorg
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches added a COPY of the trunk, named network (cheap merge)
19 years |
bensch |
branches: removed branches/network
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/we: font is now a texture.
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/we: new tinyXML-version (version 2.4.2)
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better includes
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/world_entities: sound-engine loads devices over a …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/world_entities: dynamic loading of entities in the …
19 years |
patrick |
network: added a README file for a little more help in usage
19 years |
patrick |
Network Test works also: now any server/client pair can use the SimpleSync
19 years |
patrick |
network: again some changes in the functino arguments order, more test …
19 years |
patrick |
This implementation of the internal state of NetworkSTream makes much …
19 years |
patrick |
The NetworkSocket now uses a real network protocol: packet size is …
19 years |
patrick |
network: valgrinded the network modules - zero error limit reached: …
19 years |
patrick |
network: reformatted some files
19 years |
patrick |
network: made some functions and arguments const, since they musn't …
19 years |
patrick |
network: added some simulated network delay - this helps a lot for …
19 years |
patrick |
network: changed the synchronizeable interface, since the data …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/we: new sounds for all the weapons
19 years |
patrick |
network: some more fixes on the network branche: for testing …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ground-turret loadability
19 years |
patrick |
network: included more comments to make it easier to debug
19 years |
bensch |
we: test
19 years |
patrick |
network: testing env. got segfault in the code
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches: copied new trunk to world_entities
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: moved old world_entites branche out of the way
19 years |
bensch |
we: sync
19 years |
bensch |
world_entities: simple interface in objectManager
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/guidedmissile: more balanced
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: guided_missiles rock
19 years |
snellen |
guided missile in classlist added
19 years |
snellen |
guided_missile updated
19 years |
snellen |
guided_missile updated
19 years |
snellen |
guided_missile updated
19 years |
snellen |
guided_missile updated
19 years |
snellen |
branches added guidedmissile for adding a guided missile
19 years |
patrick |
network: fixed a small bug in the network protocol class
19 years |
patrick |
network: fixed a little runtime error in the ConnectionMonitor class …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/we: minor change(sync)
19 years |
patrick |
network: some small changes in the NetworkStream and DataStream …
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: removed WeaponManager from all the Weapons, because …
19 years |
stefalie |
da bomb
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
manuel |
19 years |
manuel |
groundturret loads
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket: replaced PRINTF() which works not with threads with printf
19 years |
bwuest |
network_protocol.cc and network_protocol.h changed
19 years |
bwuest |
network_protocol.cc and network_protocol.h changed
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket: changed type of ip in constructor
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket: added constructor which connects directly
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
bknecht |
"synchronized" DataStream with NetworkStream
19 years |
patrick |
network: small constructor change in NetworkStream
19 years |
snellen |
connection monitor updated
19 years |
hdavid |
added new function to NetworkSocket
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bknecht |
set BufferSize in DataStream, patched NetworkSocket for SDL
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
snellen |
connection monitor updated
19 years |
bknecht |
updated function names in DataStream and made some minor changes
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: and again a heavy cleanup in the function arguments
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: work flush
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: moved the treedepth variable and therefore the …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/we: copied autogen.sh
19 years |
bottac |
— Diese und die folgenden Zeilen werde
n ignoriert —
M …
19 years |
patrick |
collision_bibischen: more interface changes, more covariance building
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: exchanged box pointer against ref
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: small fix for segfault prevention
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: start switching to triangles instead of vertex soup
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: new ModelInfo-member in AbstractModel
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: removed some more variables and changed some names
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: slowly removing old functions and exchanging them …
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: removed some more unused variables
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: cleanup and recode of some small parts.
19 years |
patrick |
collision_detection: interface change, const war continued
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/collision_detection: switched from pointers to …
19 years |
patrick |
branches/collision_detection: created new branche collision_detection …
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/world_entities: world_entities are in a seperate Directory now
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/world_entities: npc-clean
19 years |
bensch |
we: Base for NPC
19 years |
manuel |
ground_turret is nowan npc
19 years |
manuel |
ground_turret compiles
19 years |
manuel |
debug commit
19 years |
patrick |
network: finished the simple_sync program
19 years |
patrick |
network: added even more interface, more function to the …
19 years |
patrick |
network: some more constructor/interface work
19 years |
patrick |
network: modiefied the unit test to enable diffrent modes, extended …