18 years |
patrick |
jumping works now too
18 years |
patrick |
jump animation and debugs
18 years |
patrick |
18 years |
patrick |
weapon position fixed also
18 years |
patrick |
bigger fps player (right height from model), collision reaction …
18 years |
patrick |
best cr ever. straifing in the wall works also
18 years |
patrick |
cr better and better
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/presentation: better camera-control
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: TravelNode functionality (height and speed)
18 years |
patrick |
collision reaction works again
18 years |
bensch |
presentation: links and checks agains lm
18 years |
patrick |
removed the old cd check
18 years |
patrick |
cr y axis full
18 years |
bensch |
cmath (valgrinded)
18 years |
patrick |
cr z axis full
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: valgrind fixes
18 years |
patrick |
cr z axis half check
18 years |
patrick |
cr x axis checked in both direcitons
18 years |
bensch |
some valgrind bugs
18 years |
patrick |
more comments and less variables
18 years |
rennerc |
updated fpsplayer syncvars
18 years |
patrick |
one half x made
18 years |
patrick |
cr tip
18 years |
bensch |
less compile bugs
18 years |
patrick |
cr fix
18 years |
patrick |
collision reactin bsp manager interface rework
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/presentaion enter right playmode
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/presentation: The Playmode is reset correctly, smoothly, and a …
18 years |
patrick |
collision reaction for multiplayer works now
18 years |
bensch |
playmode switch works correctly
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better 2d-playable
18 years |
ponder |
The culling state is now reset after renering the terrain
18 years |
rennerc |
less bugs in fragtable
18 years |
ponder |
Cleanup for the terrain
18 years |
rennerc |
bugs -= 2 - i love valgrind
18 years |
snellen |
modified debug output
18 years |
rennerc |
removed some bugs and added texture sync
18 years |
snellen |
made spaceship scriptable
18 years |
patrick |
npc now stopps
18 years |
patrick |
ground collision works again
18 years |
patrick |
created new presentation branche, from now single and multiplayer …
18 years |
patrick |
removing old singleplayermap
18 years |
patrick |
removing old multiplayer map
18 years |
bottac |
18 years |
snellen |
added playanimation to scriptable methods
18 years |
patrick |
less debug
18 years |
rennerc |
use fpsplayer
18 years |
bottac |
18 years |
rennerc |
BspEntity sync
18 years |
bensch |
some crappy spacecraft work… maybe i will start again :/
18 years |
patrick |
stop/resume functions
18 years |
bottac |
cr_ground_walk fixed
18 years |
rennerc |
table doesnt segfault anymore
18 years |
rennerc |
removed some bugs
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Each Playable has an EnterRange
18 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/single_player_map: added Spacecraft_2d
18 years |
bensch |
added Spacecraft2D entity
18 years |
bensch |
obetter cruizeer
18 years |
patrick |
run and crouch also works
18 years |
patrick |
run and crouch also works
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
patrick |
npc walk at the ground with correct orientation
18 years |
bensch |
added cruizer
18 years |
patrick |
some of the npc walk on the ground
18 years |
patrick |
some of the npc walk on the ground
18 years |
patrick |
sound interface
18 years |
patrick |
npc walk again
18 years |
rennerc |
changed guictrl labels
18 years |
rennerc |
starting network games from menu works now
18 years |
snellen |
added methods to generic npc
18 years |
snellen |
added some methods to generic npcs scriptable
18 years |
amaechler |
hack to avoid ubuntu segfault
18 years |
rennerc |
implemented network game menu
18 years |
amaechler |
18 years |
rennerc |
MultiPlayerTeamDeathMatch: use hud notifier instead of own
18 years |
rennerc |
MultiPlayerTeamDeathMatch: use hud notifier instead of own
18 years |
snellen |
made scripttrigger scriptable
18 years |
snellen |
made scripttrigger scriptable
18 years |
snellen |
made script scriptable
18 years |
snellen |
made script scriptable
18 years |
bensch |
new copy
18 years |
bensch |
new copy
18 years |
bensch |
new copy
18 years |
bensch |
delete branche for recopy
18 years |
bensch |
delete merged branche
18 years |
bensch |
delete merged branche
18 years |
bensch |
created a new copy of the trunk
18 years |
bensch |
delete merged branches
18 years |
snellen |
Added method to: ScriptClass: int insertObject(Script* L, BaseObject* …
18 years |
snellen |
perpared possibility to add the script object to the lua script itself …
18 years |
snellen |
made testentity scriptable
18 years |
patrick |
now rotating around bad axis, collision detection with ground but no …
18 years |
patrick |
better animation
18 years |
ponder |
Added debug information to the terrain
18 years |
patrick |
crouch and run work also
18 years |
patrick |
direction change soft now
18 years |
ponder |
another change acinclude.m4
18 years |
patrick |
orientation works too, its probably a little bit crapy but it works
18 years |
ponder |
another change to acinclude.m4
18 years |
patrick |
running should work too now