10 years |
maxima |
falsche aenderungen rueckgaening gemacht
10 years |
maxima |
nhaenni. HUD angepasst.
10 years |
sriedel |
Update added trial pattern.
10 years |
kecks |
Level file changed.
10 years |
flsueess |
noch mehr collishion shapes
10 years |
sujataj |
pickups and enemies
10 years |
sriedel |
Working version, Blockpattern are strange.
10 years |
erbj |
different models with style
10 years |
flsueess |
CollisionShapes hinzugefuegt
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
richtero |
new structure: Board in separate class
10 years |
kecks |
Level file changed.
10 years |
sujataj |
added allies
10 years |
sriedel |
Should work so far
10 years |
sriedel |
Level files added.
10 years |
maxima |
Waypointcontroller in Enemy template
10 years |
maxima |
Enemies use the new template enemytowerdefense
10 years |
sriedel |
still working atm. including function after function, currently HUD.
10 years |
erbj |
Template not working
10 years |
aejonas |
health bar is now under the spaceship while moving
10 years |
richtero |
finished getWinner function which checks if somebody has won and …
10 years |
flsueess |
verschiedene Anpassungen
10 years |
kecks |
Level file changed.
10 years |
sriedel |
Working atm. including function after function.
10 years |
sriedel |
10 years |
sriedel |
DodgeRaceHUD added
10 years |
richtero |
started programming game logic
10 years |
sriedel |
Started copying all over again, HUD doesnt work
10 years |
flsueess |
neues template mit allen bis jetzt vorhandenen Spacestation Elementen
10 years |
fvultier |
this is the correct version
10 years |
fvultier |
10 years |
aejonas |
new way to display the healthbar on the screen (in a similar way like …
10 years |
erbj |
EnemyAdd implementierung
10 years |
sujataj |
modified level. works now
10 years |
sriedel |
New commitment trial
10 years |
smerkli |
Fixed the list problem, it was a circular include.
10 years |
erbj |
Added TDCoordinate and more updates
10 years |
richtero |
final commit 29-10-14
10 years |
sujataj |
level changed, nothing works
10 years |
flsueess |
oxt file für spacestation erstellt, bestehende level files angepasst
10 years |
richtero |
first working compile
10 years |
richtero |
CMakeList added
10 years |
sriedel |
Versuech 2
10 years |
flsueess |
new files
10 years |
richtero |
added mini4Dgame folder
10 years |
richtero |
final commit 22-10-14
10 years |
sriedel |
10 years |
sujataj |
added a new level file
10 years |
sriedel |
First upload 15.10.14 started DodgeRace
10 years |
sriedel |
First upload 15.10.14 started DodgeRace
10 years |
erbj |
Testing: first commit
10 years |
richtero |
initial 15.10.
10 years |
kecks |
Initial version of the level
10 years |
richtero |
new test level
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
smerkli |
Adding a branch for the weaponsystem update
10 years |
smerkli |
Creating a new branch for the HUD improvements in HS14.
10 years |
smerkli |
Added a branch for a new level creation.
Not necessarily a level with …
10 years |
smerkli |
Created branch for new minigame
10 years |
smerkli |
Created branch for new surfacerace
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged Jump minigame, tested, works.
11 years |
smerkli |
Removed some verbose output from default output and
re-added a file …
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged scriptcontroller branch
11 years |
mkronig |
commit for merging files
11 years |
fvultier |
new items added. improved level generator.
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged modularships branch
11 years |
smerkli |
Merged turretFS14 branch
11 years |
noep |
Removed all segfaults (or at least those we found…)
11 years |
muemart |
Add damage to the turret
11 years |
smerkli |
Created a presentation branch
11 years |
smerkli |
Introduced a shippartmanager to hopefully fix the segfaults
11 years |
noep |
Added explosions. (Because who doesn't love explosions.) Added …
11 years |
smerkli |
Some cleanups, added a "change look" command
11 years |
smerkli |
Improved controller, "move and look" is now scriptable.
11 years |
smerkli |
Test commit to see if committing still works
11 years |
muemart |
Comment out all the raytest stuff. Needs more work and/or knowledge
11 years |
muemart |
Commit the right file this time
11 years |
muemart |
Lower means better means lower means better…
11 years |
muemart |
Fix team acquisition, edit test level and start to try to make a raytest
11 years |
samuezu |
works more or less, but big trouble accessing the …
11 years |
noep |
Expanded functionality of PartDestructionEvents, fixed cursor not …
11 years |
mkronig |
11 years |
smerkli |
Added a check whether the eventlist is empty, this fixes
the segfault.
11 years |
noep |
Cleaned up code. Added console command "ModularSpaceShip killshippart …
11 years |
noep |
Fixed CollisionShapes of ShipParts reappearing at their spawnposition …
11 years |
noep |
Fixed yet another segfault (which we hadn't seen yet).
Cleared …
11 years |
noep |
Added PartDestructionEvent, possibly fixed one out of two runtimeerrors
11 years |
fvultier |
Removed a few more files I don't need anymore
11 years |
fvultier |
Added a whole bunch of code
11 years |
muemart |
Delete the old turret templates and make new ones. Adjust the weapon …
11 years |
samuezu |
created struct event, an eventlist and the functions eventscheduler …
11 years |
smerkli |
Controller switching works now, however lua script
execution is …
11 years |
smerkli |
Fixed some more things. What works now:
- Setting an ID for the …
11 years |
smerkli |
Fixed the lua stuff, can now call ScriptController functions from lua.
11 years |
muemart |
Move everything back to the Turret class, set the correct team, and …
11 years |
muemart |
Revert changes to FormationController… keep the dirt to myself
11 years |
muemart |
Fix rotation if parent is already rotated. Everything hopefully now …
11 years |
fvultier |
Level wird zufaellig generiert, HUD funktionier(Punkte werden …