19 years |
patrick |
collision interface extended
19 years |
patrick |
collision interface extended
19 years |
rennerc |
chat window is on TAB again
19 years |
patrick |
less debug on network
19 years |
patrick |
collision detection works now
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: added coords for all 4 verts…
19 years |
bensch |
segfault preverter
19 years |
patrick |
more collision checks
19 years |
patrick |
radius now works
19 years |
patrick |
mulitplayer distances
19 years |
patrick |
muliplayer: restructuring cd code
19 years |
patrick |
discovered segfault in the registerKill function from GameRules
19 years |
patrick |
muliplayer: collisions with all entities expect the ones from …
19 years |
patrick |
mulitplayer: debuggin session
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: fading sky/cloud colors works, …
19 years |
patrick |
spl: collision reaction similar as it was but doesn't stick to the …
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/mountain_lake: lightening polished and extended
19 years |
patrick |
collision reaction rebwork
19 years |
rennerc |
dont collide player with himself
19 years |
rennerc |
WorldEntity: list is synced now
19 years |
snellen |
Implemented executor without ret and 4 parameters, added setAbsDir and …
19 years |
snellen |
Implemented the executor for 5 arguments and one return value
19 years |
snellen |
continued working on turning:turning doesn't quite work
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: some fading hacks… doesnt work at all… yet
19 years |
rennerc |
SpawningPoint works now
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: vector != bug removed
19 years |
patrick |
npc walking corrections
19 years |
patrick |
turning implemented, collision reaction disabled
19 years |
snellen |
added setTime function
19 years |
snellen |
fixed bug in ExecutorLua3ret
19 years |
stefalie |
water: minor changes
19 years |
rennerc |
started implementing message based spawningpoint synchronisation
19 years |
patrick |
ncp comments
19 years |
patrick |
generic npc crouch, run and stop functions
19 years |
patrick |
generic npc work
19 years |
patrick |
spl: generic npc walking function
19 years |
snellen |
script thestranger.lua tells thestranger to move to 288,19,208, …
19 years |
patrick |
more npc interface
19 years |
patrick |
more npc functions
19 years |
patrick |
spl ground walking beter
19 years |
snellen |
executor should now be able to take up to 7 parameters
19 years |
patrick |
spl: simpler walking interface
19 years |
rennerc |
add om_players to tick and draw list
19 years |
snellen |
added executor with 6 and 7 parameters
19 years |
patrick |
creating single_player_map branche again (MARK)
19 years |
patrick |
removind single_player_map branche again for newer version
19 years |
patrick |
creating new multi_player_map branche (MARK MULTI_PLAYER)
19 years |
patrick |
removing old newtork branch
19 years |
rennerc |
finished spawningpoint for spawning playables
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/mountain_lake: ummmmm….
19 years |
patrick |
created mountain lake branche for the water and weather engine team …
19 years |
rennerc |
network changes
19 years |
patrick |
removed bsp model branche
19 years |
patrick |
removed old water branche
19 years |
patrick |
removed old mountain lake branche
19 years |
stefalie |
water: some hacks… and 3 fade functions… but not done yet
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/atmospheric_engine: activating rain effect changes the cloud- …
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/atmospheric_engine: activating rain effect changes the cloud- …
19 years |
stefalie |
water: param reset functions work, the fade functions are next
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/atmospheric_engine: activating rain effect changes the cloud- …
19 years |
rennerc |
-= 2
19 years |
patrick |
creating a new branche singple_player_map (MARK SP)
19 years |
patrick |
removing old branche script engine
19 years |
rennerc |
MultiplayerTeamDeathmatch: added functions to handle kills/respawns
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/atmospheric_engine: cloud effect
19 years |
bottac |
bbox collision.
19 years |
ponder |
- Applied a small change to sounrd_buffer and ogg_player in order to …
19 years |
rennerc |
frag table can be hidden with f1 now
19 years |
rennerc |
true stats sould be shown now
19 years |
rennerc |
removed old deathScreen from MultiplayerTeamDeathmatch
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/atmospheric_engine: rainsound fade working and comments
19 years |
ponder |
Added some checks and assertions.
19 years |
bensch |
deleted merged branche
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/font: nicer implementation
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Material Copy constructor as should be
19 years |
bensch |
font is a Material now
19 years |
bensch |
font: looks same as before
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/font: ok, the font is rendering again
19 years |
bensch |
better with fonts
19 years |
bensch |
better, but still not running, yet
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: non-compiling new Version of the Data-Font
19 years |
bensch |
new copy
19 years |
ponder |
Small changes to help debug
19 years |
ponder |
Added a boundary check to the getAltitude() method
19 years |
ponder |
Removed an if-statement from configure.ac
19 years |
ponder |
- Optimized the multi-layer renderings. pages which do not show a …
19 years |
ponder |
- A few more properties can be specified in the .oxw file for the …
19 years |
ponder |
- Finally, I got the terrain working completly. What a hard work… It …
19 years |
rennerc |
showing/hiding frags works now
19 years |
rennerc |
started implementing frag table
19 years |
snellen |
deleted debug output
19 years |
snellen |
deleted debug output
19 years |
snellen |
script trigger can now be added to a script
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/atmospheric_engine: skydome should get reflected
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/atmospheric_engine: created skydome.[h,cc]
19 years |
stefalie |
water: quite everything works…
19 years |
rennerc |
19 years |
rennerc |
server identifies user by his random byte