18 years |
bknecht |
hud is slowly cooler
18 years |
nicolasc |
moved loadShield (XML), some minor cleanup
18 years |
landauf |
18 years |
nicolasc |
WS MP loadablilty works again, but paeddae's patch is NOT included
18 years |
nicolasc |
Widget Improvements
18 years |
bknecht |
hud updated
18 years |
nicolasc |
added shield functionality, reverted paeddae's MP patch - does not work
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
damage loadable
18 years |
snellen |
less debug
18 years |
snellen |
less debug
18 years |
bknecht |
few changes
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
snellen |
viewmode correct set in spaceship
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
die player die
18 years |
bknecht |
fixed stupid gui segfault
18 years |
nicolasc |
cleaned out origList
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
snellen |
plasma pulse not in OM_COMMON anymore … again
18 years |
bknecht |
does not segfault anymore
18 years |
nicolasc |
nadion blast visisbility fix
18 years |
nicolasc |
moved loadHealth to WE
18 years |
bknecht |
Kralle entfernt?
18 years |
rennerc |
less collision hacks
18 years |
rennerc |
die enemy die
18 years |
nicolasc |
move random seed to main()
18 years |
nicolasc |
collision fix
18 years |
bknecht |
hud: White bars are blue again, Hitbars are built in
18 years |
snellen |
raised max collision events
18 years |
snellen |
better flight behaviour for the ActionBox Enemy by rennerc
18 years |
nicolasc |
AbsDir fix, quite a hack
18 years |
nicolasc |
AbsDir fix, quite a hack
18 years |
snellen |
mouse can now be moved only within a restricted area
18 years |
nicolasc |
modular loading not working, WS hardcoded
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor fix
18 years |
nicolasc |
data bump
18 years |
rennerc |
ActionboxEnemy loadParam
18 years |
rennerc |
actionboxenemy: less weapons
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
snellen |
explosions now have sound
18 years |
snellen |
camera no longer subscribes to the PEV_VIEW key events
18 years |
nicolasc |
fixed the deviation
18 years |
nicolasc |
bump, minor fixes
18 years |
stefalie |
18 years |
nicolasc |
crosshair moves, shot do too, but not exactly where they should
18 years |
rennerc |
dead gui
18 years |
bknecht |
18 years |
bknecht |
hud update
18 years |
nicolasc |
crosshair moves, but WM not
18 years |
nicolasc |
initial upload form mouse aiming in VS
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
AdmWeapon sound, ActionboxEnemy weapons
18 years |
rennerc |
weapon position
18 years |
rennerc |
player cannot shoot throu walls
per default worldentities cannot be …
18 years |
rennerc |
less debug output
18 years |
rennerc |
improved damage handling for adm
18 years |
rennerc |
player can kill adm now
18 years |
bknecht |
Deleted branches of this semester since we all merged them back to trunk
18 years |
rennerc |
fpsweapon in the correct position
18 years |
rennerc |
FPSSniperRifle uses BspWeapon now
18 years |
retolu |
explosion, when deleted
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor improvements, some cleanup
18 years |
nicolasc |
minor improvements, some cleanup
18 years |
rennerc |
create presentation branch
18 years |
retolu |
adm working
18 years |
bknecht |
fixed errors
18 years |
nicolasc |
xfer, WFM…
18 years |
nicolasc |
xfer, should work…
18 years |
retolu |
implementing gunFire and its Nodes(XML)
18 years |
retolu |
first shooting of the turret
18 years |
rennerc |
visibility check for player in adm
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
bknecht |
My computer is not working anymore, so I upload my unfinished work to …
18 years |
nicolasc |
some hack, but still does not work
18 years |
rennerc |
adm turret works now
18 years |
rennerc |
less magic
18 years |
snellen |
Added Raycollision method to the BspManager
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
retolu |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
this and that
might be buggy
18 years |
nicolasc |
18 years |
nicolasc |
version bump
18 years |
nicolasc |
some bugfix (or not?)
18 years |
nicolasc |
moved "ship attributes" to world entity
electronic and shield widget …
18 years |
nicolasc |
some modularisaztion hacking
hardlinked armor to WE Health
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
rennerc |
18 years |
retolu |
little changes, arranged clearlier
18 years |
retolu |
18 years |
retolu |
My work so far concerning Auto Defense Mechanism (Turret)
18 years |
rennerc |
Vertical playmode for SpaceShip
18 years |
nicolasc |
modular weapons inclusion
18 years |
nicolasc |
night bunp
18 years |
nicolasc |
initial modularisation in spaceship config
18 years |
rennerc |