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Project Propositions

Ticket Summary Owner Project-Page Assistant
#263 & #263 AI & Formation Flight Lukas & Dominik Reto, Fabian
#281 Space Race
#309 Spaceship Control
#324 Chat Sandro Oli
#325 Gametype Johannes Fabian
#326 Weapons Jan (4.) Beni
First Person Mode Cyrill & Edwin Fabian
#349 Rocket Improvements Gabriel Oli
#271 Sound Erwin
#251 Designing and Scripting Menus Moritz Reto
#267 Improving the HUD Semi & Sebastian Reto
#321 Help the Allied Fleet
#338 Creating Levels Mathis, Dani Damian, Beni
#345 Level of Detail (LoD) Jan (2.) Oli
#346 Creating Pickups Ben & Eric Damian
#236 Skybox Generator Gion-Andri Oli
Alien Race Design Michael Damian
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Aug 22, 2010, 1:52:08 PM