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Ticket Summary Difficulty Owner
#326 Weapons =
#325 Gametype +
#277 Pickup System ++
#327 Spaceship flying behavior ++
#281 Space Race +
#274 Spaceship Navigation =
#282 Formation flight +
#323 Spaceship docking system +
#263 Artificial Intelligence ++
#236 Skybox generator ++
#275 Environment ++
#272 Editor ++
#324 Chat =
#267 Improving the HUD =
#251 Designing and scripting Menus =
#271 Sound Engine ++
#266 Object Priorities +
#264 Binary distribution =
#319 Create seamless textures =
#320 Extend modular space station =
#321 Help the Allied Fleet +
#276 Particle Effects +
Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Mar 12, 2009, 3:47:13 AM