8 years |
marvinh |
Der Button stellt sich als schwerer als gedacht heraus. Doch Marvin …
8 years |
ahedges |
add clang-format config and document CopyLibPhase
8 years |
bberabi |
8 years |
bberabi |
8 years |
meilel |
8 years |
bberabi |
bots addiert checkpoint problem gelost
8 years |
ahedges |
add option to test clang on linux
8 years |
bberabi |
8 years |
ahedges |
comment out some stuff and update the cmake file for macOS 10.12
8 years |
patricwi |
visualization of pickup system initiated. next steps: add pickup icons …
8 years |
meilel |
level file changed
8 years |
pschefer |
explosion parts
8 years |
ooguz |
waypoints to modules
8 years |
ooguz |
Waypoints to modules
8 years |
bberabi |
bots are finally added; controller has to be implemented
8 years |
ooguz |
8 years |
dmoritz |
Speaker added
8 years |
jhuwyler |
GSLevel hat den durchbruch gebracht. Die Level werden nun geladen und …
8 years |
pschefer |
egines added to spaceship, started with explosionparts
8 years |
kappenh |
erste einbindung des Highscores in der levelinfo
8 years |
kappenh |
tab selection working
8 years |
patricwi |
added new files HUDPickupItem
8 years |
patricwi |
new files included
8 years |
patricwi |
graphic system initiated
8 years |
dmoritz |
Updated Dialogue Class
8 years |
meilel |
changed level file
8 years |
pschefer |
template file of endurance bigship modified
8 years |
ooguz |
einige Anderungen
8 years |
bberabi |
racing bots.. under maintanence…
8 years |
marvinh |
Campaign Menu overlay wurde ueber 3d szene gelegt. nun muss in …
8 years |
kappenh |
Layout fertig
8 years |
patricwi |
core system of keybindings fully functional, graphics still have to be …
8 years |
patricwi |
setCommand vorbereitet und keybindings optimiert
8 years |
ahedges |
comment out some carbon stuff and add tolua++
8 years |
bberabi |
bots are added to the space race
8 years |
meilel |
changed level file
8 years |
dmoritz |
New Dialogue Class
8 years |
bberabi |
sound and countdown erledigt, flugzeuge konnen nicht mehr sich bewegen …
8 years |
kappenh |
Tabbar im HS Menu
8 years |
ooguz |
Spaceshipassff und Teststars files are changed
8 years |
ooguz |
Waypointarrow und Waypoint Klassen
8 years |
marvinh |
new gametype StoryMode created, new level created
8 years |
patricwi |
KeyBindings-logic added, eventhough still all leading to ESC
8 years |
patricwi |
Key binding added when user picks up an item(pickup).
8 years |
bberabi |
sound and countdown
8 years |
meilel |
new template for spaceship
8 years |
ooguz |
WayPoint class changes
8 years |
kappenh |
Added HighscoreTable to the main menu and added layout files
8 years |
marvinh |
initial upload
8 years |
kappenh |
Added HighscoreTable to the main menu
8 years |
meilel |
neues level file mit namen newnewnewspacerace.oxw
8 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS HS16
8 years |
ooguz |
Waypoint Klasse und Header erstellt.
8 years |
marvinh |
test commit
8 years |
pschefer |
test level created for endurance spaceship
8 years |
fvultier |
New branch for PPS HS16
8 years |
bberabi |
8 years |
patricwi |
reverted changes in readme file
8 years |
patricwi |
changed readme file
8 years |
marvinh |
New branch for PPS HS16, Story mode map ticket
8 years |
ljovin |
8 years |
fvultier |
New banch for fvultier for HS16.
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
8 years |
maxima |
new branch for PPS
9 years |
bknecht |
Merging cegui0.8 branch into ogre1.9 branch
9 years |
fvultier |
Preparation for the presentation. Failing the mission in …
9 years |
fvultier |
merged discharger, thats the last one
9 years |
fvultier |
merged scriptable controller
9 years |
fvultier |
merged campain menu
9 years |
sagerj |
zusammengemerged mit florin project
9 years |
plehmann |
implemented the update function of MoveToTask. but it does not yet …
9 years |
fvultier |
fixed some weird merge conflict
9 years |
tgidron |
Final Project
9 years |
fvultier |
merged branch hover
9 years |
tgidron |
Final Project
9 years |
tgidron |
Final Project
9 years |
binderm |
final commit
9 years |
fvultier |
New branch for presentation of the PPS projects FS16. Will merge all …
9 years |
tgidron |
New Floor, Level HUD, Pickups work
9 years |
binderm |
The Campaign menu now works. The levels are structured in a tree. If …
9 years |
plehmann |
modified newScriptController to prevent memory leacks caused by tasks
9 years |
sagerj |
done/fixed everything, weaponmode/discharger fully commented only …
9 years |
binderm |
9 years |
plehmann |
added a MoveToTask implement the update function
9 years |
binderm |
LevelStatus and levelmanager in two files, LevelStatus saves and …
9 years |
sagerj |
fix the charging during reloadtime, the hudchargebar working so far…
9 years |
tgidron |
New Pickup + try to create ground from separate tiles
9 years |
plehmann |
moved the task classes to the scriptTasks folder. modified the …
9 years |
tgidron |
New Pickup
9 years |
binderm |
some minor changes
9 years |
binderm |
logic to show only certain levels and not all together, also not all …
9 years |
plehmann |
added the stringOutTask for scriptcontroller
9 years |
plehmann |
scriptcontroller task system doesnt work. it seems like queue is the …
9 years |
tgidron |
New Pickups (speed); Level Counter and Crate spawn (not working)
9 years |
sagerj |
overwritten many fire functions now only need to implement timer/charges
9 years |
sagerj |
everything beneath weaponmode changed to push/release - wm modified …