11 years |
jo |
More fancy colored tetris bricks.
11 years |
jo |
Exchanging the tetris model.
11 years |
jo |
Testing alternative colouring mechanism for pawns → empty controller.
11 years |
landauf |
renamed LaserBeam as LaserBeam2 (because there's already another model …
12 years |
landauf |
eol-style native
12 years |
smerkli |
Merged Maxim's Branch back into trunk.
12 years |
smerkli |
Replaced explosion hack with another less ugly hack:
- There is now …
12 years |
jo |
Updating the levels.
12 years |
jo |
Merging presentationHS12 back to the trunk.
12 years |
jo |
Adjusting the Escort ship's collisionshapes.
12 years |
jo |
Integrating Felix' EscortShip in the game (new weaponsetting and …
13 years |
jo |
Added some billboards and a particle emitter.
13 years |
jo |
Adding a gallery level. A place to present all important models.
13 years |
landauf |
merged branch presentation2012merge back to trunk
13 years |
landauf |
renamed RVName to radarname
cast to RadarViewable instead of SpaceShip …
13 years |
jo |
Merging presentation2011 branch to trunk. Please check for possible bugs.
13 years |
jo |
Ai and tutorial improvements merged back to the trunk. AI features: …
14 years |
jo |
14 years |
jo |
Transporter's weaponsystem updated.
14 years |
landauf |
fixed spaceship templates
14 years |
landauf |
merged output branch back to trunk.
- you have to include …
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding shields and boost to some spaceships.
14 years |
jo |
Updating 'Fight in our back'. Spaceship is steerable now. New …
14 years |
jo |
Updating the weaponsettings. Swallow and further spaceships deal …
14 years |
dafrick |
Cleaning up in SpaceShip and Engine. Fixed several bugs.
Kicked …
14 years |
dafrick |
Cleaning up ShrinkPickup.
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging presentation branch back into trunk.
There are many new …
14 years |
landauf |
disable LOD for some of the debris meshes which cause a crash on old …
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing some tags because the cause warnings for now, might be …
14 years |
youngk |
Adjusted atmosphere size and added collision damage to planets.
14 years |
youngk |
Added portals to earth level. I could not activate the way back (from …
14 years |
smerkli |
worked on the presentation level
14 years |
smerkli |
added presentation level
14 years |
smerkli |
a little less verbosity, a little more action please
14 years |
smerkli |
merged spaceboundaries
14 years |
FelixSchulthess |
merged portals branch into trunk
14 years |
youngk |
Update to planet levels to support new meshes.
14 years |
youngk |
Added 1to100 scale model of earth, complete with gravity.
14 years |
youngk |
Planets now have collision shapes and gravitational pull. Have fun.
14 years |
youngk |
Man, Kevin… If you commit something, then please commit the working …
14 years |
youngk |
Made planet level work. Yet again…
14 years |
youngk |
Updated and cleaned planet level.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged kicklib2 branch back to trunk (includes former branches …
14 years |
youngk |
Updated Planets level. Works perfectly now.
14 years |
youngk |
Changing planets level
14 years |
sladojem |
Planets level file updated.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding changes made to DistanceTrigger also in trunk.
Also documenting …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Hopefully fixed XML parsing errors at startup (can't test right now, sry).
14 years |
jo |
Merged lastmastanding3 into trunk. There's an xml parsing error that …
14 years |
landauf |
merged usability branch back to trunk
incomplete summary of the …
14 years |
jo |
Fixed timers in asteroids level. The goal can be reached with 4s …
14 years |
landauf |
renamed pong level, added a bot, and changed the pong gametype to …
14 years |
landauf |
detached AmbientSound from BaseObject - AmbientSound can not be placed …
14 years |
landauf |
fixed ambient sound in pong level
14 years |
landauf |
renamed weaponSettings3.oxi as weaponSettingsAssff.oxi
removed …
14 years |
decapitb |
skyBoxMoreNebula inserted in level lastManStanding, let me know if …
14 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to rename one level file.
14 years |
dafrick |
Renaming levelfiles (and some other) according to our new naming …
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding yet another class of ForceFields and using it in The Time Machine.
14 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to revert The Time Machine
14 years |
dafrick |
Resolving some stupid bugs and some adding some minor improvements.
14 years |
dafrick |
Documenting and extending ForceField.
A little cleaning up in The Time …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged lastmanstanding back to trunk.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Reverted attempt to merge lastmanstanding branch.
14 years |
jo |
initial upload
14 years |
dafrick |
Merged releasetodo, containing a new way to describe and tag levels, …
14 years |
dafrick |
Drone is much weaker now (makes less damage (pi/2) per gun), which …
14 years |
dafrick |
Documenting and cleanup.
14 years |
dafrick |
Fixing bug I introduced.
15 years |
dafrick |
Synchronizing Notifications.
In the course of that, notifications are …
15 years |
dafrick |
Fixing "bug", that caused crash in dedicated mode.
Script object can …
15 years |
dafrick |
Fixed small copy error.
15 years |
dafrick |
Adding new level notifications.oxw, to "showcase", or at this stage …
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged notifications branch back to trunk.
15 years |
landauf |
added eol-style native for some files.
note: there are another 6 …
15 years |
landauf |
merged consolecommands3 branch back to trunk.
note: the console …
15 years |
dafrick |
Created new NotificationDispatcher. It just displays, upon being …
15 years |
dafrick |
Added NotificationDispatcher, class that can, upon being triggered, …
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged presentation3 branch into trunk.
15 years |
dave |
15 years |
dave |
15 years |
landauf |
i think there should be 2 FadingBillboards instead of 2 Backlights
15 years |
dave |
new ship
15 years |
dafrick |
Fixed PickupCollection. It works now the way it was intended and no …
15 years |
cdaniel |
New Quest Level - still in early test phase
15 years |
dafrick |
PickupCollection is broken for now because to make it work drastic …
15 years |
dafrick |
No more seg faults with pickups (at least that's what I hope. )
15 years |
dafrick |
Resolved bug, that caused orxonox to crash whenever a level with …
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged pickup_representation_templates into one.
Merged pickups.oxi …
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged pickup4 branch back to trunk.
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged ppspickups2 branch into trunk.
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged ppspickups1 into trunk.
15 years |
dafrick |
No longer works.
15 years |
dafrick |
Emptied emtpy level.
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged pickup branch into trunk. Yay. Persisting bugs will be fixed, …
15 years |
rgrieder |
Engine idle sound wasn't looped.
15 years |
rgrieder |
Merged presentation2 branch back to trunk.
Major new features:
- …
15 years |
dave |
ghost weapons added
15 years |
dave |
Ghost files added
15 years |
dafrick |
Added questsystem test-level.