Custom Query (134 matches)
Results (1 - 100 of 134)
Status: assigned (4 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Component | Version |
#2 | implementing updater | bensch | defect | minor | GUI | |
#53 | Motion Blur | hdavid | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#219 | Spacegate | bknecht | task | minor | GameContent | 0.0.1 |
#211 | FPS Weapon and HUD | bknecht | task | major | HUD | 0.0.1 |
Status: closed (28 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Component | Version |
#51 | Fog | patrick | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#56 | Water Effects in Game | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#57 | generating clounds | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#67 | Multiple Texture Mapping on one Face | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#81 | TrackManager update | bensch | defect | minor | Track | |
#104 | ingame GUI | bensch | task | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#108 | QT-port to the GUI | bensch | defect | minor | GUI | |
#113 | More dangerous enemies | nobody | defect | minor | AI | |
#114 | Model Detail Levels - Computer Performance | bensch | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#115 | Lua Orxonox Interface | snellen | task | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#131 | ResourceFile Class | bensch | task | minor | Importer | |
#135 | Weather Effects Engine | hdavid, amaechler | task | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#141 | ShellCompletionPlugin | bensch | enhancement | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#144 | LoadParam line-split fault | bensch | defect | minor | GameLoader | |
#146 | UserNotifier | bensch | enhancement | minor | GUI | |
#214 | Button | snellen | task | minor | misc | |
#31 | vertex-arrays | bensch | defect | major | Importer | |
#77 | loading procedures | bensch | defect | major | GameLoader | |
#109 | menu-screen | bensch | defect | major | GUI | |
#138 | SinglePlayer - Plamodes | bensch | enhancement | major | GeneralFramework | |
#148 | Shell-Polling | bensch | defect | major | GeneralFramework | |
#130 | port to std::string | bensch | defect | critical | GeneralFramework | |
#142 | Dynamic ClassID | patrick | enhancement | critical | GeneralFramework | |
#145 | Textures crap up Windows | bensch | defect | critical | Importer | |
#161 | Space Station (inside) | landauf | task | critical | GameContent | |
#178 | Fix the Track back in | bknecht | defect | critical | Track | |
#179 | Clean up the CameraMan | snellen | defect | blocker | GraphicsEngine | |
#207 | Crosshair bug | nobody | defect | blocker | GraphicsEngine | |
Status: new (58 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Component | Version |
#72 | Fields | adi | defect | trivial | Physics/ODE | |
#151 | ./configure loops forever if there is no internet connection | bensch | defect | trivial | GeneralFramework | |
#176 | Remove unused branches | nobody | task | trivial | misc | |
#8 | doxygen tags in src/ | nobody | enhancement | minor | Doxygen | |
#22 | HUD - Heads Up Display | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#23 | LoadScreen beautifulizer | patrick | defect | minor | GameLoader | |
#25 | Fading from LoadScreen to GameScreen | patrick | defect | minor | GameLoader | |
#28 | Adding some environment to the Game | nobody | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#30 | Level-Editor | nobody | enhancement | minor | misc | |
#33 | cross-compilation | bensch | enhancement | minor | Cmake | |
#35 | Installers | nobody | enhancement | minor | misc | |
#36 | 3ds-importer | bensch | defect | minor | Importer | |
#62 | MD3 fileformat importer: animations and models | patrick | defect | minor | Importer | |
#63 | Aufhaengepunkte der Child-Objekte | patrick, bensch | defect | minor | Importer | |
#64 | animations exportable/importable | patrick, bensch | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#69 | Threading-Test | patrick | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#96 | Terrain Geomorphing in the Vertex Shader | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#97 | Installation Guides | patrick, bensch, some others | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#102 | Normal Mapping | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#106 | CollisionClusters ResourceManaged | patrick | defect | minor | CollisionDetection | |
#111 | Planar Aiming Tablet | nobody | enhancement | minor | HUD | |
#118 | Car control system, car physics | patrick | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#123 | New ground crafts | wenners | defect | minor | GameContent | |
#127 | Dynamic Music | nobody | defect | minor | Sound | |
#128 | Bump Mapping | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#136 | Alternative 3D Model format | nobody | task | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#137 | ParticleSystem speedup | nobody | defect | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#139 | Height Map Revisited | nobody | enhancement | minor | AI | |
#140 | Height Map Revisited | nobody | enhancement | minor | GraphicsEngine | |
#143 | SoundEngine to handle Music | bensch | defect | minor | Sound | |
#147 | Debug to std::err and so on | patrick | defect | minor | GeneralFramework | |
#149 | Music Player | simon | enhancement | minor | Sound | |
#173 | LoadParam Dependencies | bensch | defect | minor | GameLoader | |
#210 | Automatic defence mechanism | retolu | task | minor | GameContent | |
#213 | Enhance Vertical-scroller mode | bensch | enhancement | minor | Track | 0.0.1 |
#34 | Shadows | dave | defect | major | GraphicsEngine | |
#82 | Fine tune PhysicsEngine | adi | defect | major | Physics/ODE | |
#91 | MissionManager | bensch,patrick | defect | major | GeneralFramework | |
#95 | loading Movement | patrick | defect | major | GameLoader | |
#132 | Continue Network | parick, chrigi | defect | major | Network | |
#152 | cut scenes | nobody | enhancement | major | ScriptEngine | |
#153 | Vertex Array Models | nobody | enhancement | major | GraphicsEngine | |
#168 | Public Relations | nobody | task | major | misc | |
#169 | Artificial Intelligence | nobody | task | major | AI | |
#171 | atmospheric-flight capable player ship models | wenners | task | major | GameContent | |
#172 | Naming Convention | wenners | enhancement | major | GameContent | |
#215 | Enhance/Rewrite AI | nobody | defect | major | AI | 0.0.1 |
#217 | Spaceship: Lander | nobody | task | major | GameContent | 0.0.1 |
#89 | Saveability | patrick | task | critical | GameLoader | |
#110 | Context-Switching | patrick | enhancement | critical | GeneralFramework | |
#194 | cleanup: src/subprojects | patrick | defect | critical | GeneralFramework | |
#186 | cleanup: src/world_entities/particles | patrick | task | blocker | GeneralFramework | |
#187 | cleanup: src/world_entities/power_ups | patrick | defect | blocker | GeneralFramework | |
#198 | Artificial Intelligence State Based | nobody | defect | blocker | AI | |
#199 | Orxonox Story Dependency Graph | patrick | defect | blocker | GeneralFramework | |
#200 | Transparency Handling in the Graphics Engine | nobody | defect | blocker | GraphicsEngine | |
#202 | WorldEntities entering the World | patrick | defect | blocker | GeneralFramework | |
#203 | Saving Orxonox Game State | patrick | defect | blocker | GeneralFramework | |
Status: reopened (10 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Component | Version |
#177 | CleanUp all finished Tickets | PPS-team | task | trivial | misc | |
#133 | BSP World Map | patrick | defect | minor | GameLoader | |
#134 | Artificial Intelligence for NPCs | nobody | task | minor | AI | |
#175 | GLGui XML loadable | patrick | enhancement | minor | GameLoader | |
#21 | ClippingEngine/ CullingEngine | nobody | defect | major | GraphicsEngine | |
#129 | Realistic Story and Concept | bknecht | task | major | GameContent | |
#155 | Vertical/Horizontal Scroller Controls | muellmic | task | major | GeneralFramework | |
#162 | Vertical/Horizontal Scroller Content | bknecht | task | major | ScriptEngine | |
#158 | Animated Objects | patrick | task | critical | GeneralFramework | |
#163 | Ship Weapon System Configuration | bensch | task | critical | GUI | |
(more results for this group on next page) |
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